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Responsible Gambling - Know When to Stop!

The signs and ways of dealing with gambling addiction!

Gambling is a form of entertainment and should always be seen as such but if not approached in a correct manner, it can be dangerous and leave heavy consequences. From serious addiction issues to financial debt, gambling can create big problems so it’s extremely important for each player to adopt responsible gambling habits and set firm limits on themselves. This way they ensure gambling always stays a fun and exciting pastime. 

Its official.I will be taking a break from gambling due to my losses recently. Need to clear my mind and rebalance. Might do some Just Chatting, or Gaming and then jump back to Gambling when I feel ready for it. I'll update you soon enough. Nothing but love to you all ♥️

— Roshtein (@ROSHTEINS) April 28, 2023

Professional gamblers like Roshtein know when to stop and take a step back from gambling. They know preventing getting tilted is one of the most valuable characteristics a gambler can have so they make sure to check themselves and take some time off if and when necessary. 

How to Know You Have a Gambling Problem? 

There are some universal signs that suggest your gambling has gone next level, in a bad way! If you demonstrate any of these, it is time to stop and reevaluate your gambling habits. 

Only Gambling on Your Mind 

One of the major red flags when it comes to gambling addiction is when this activity becomes a priority in your daily life! If pretty much all you do is thinking of gambling, when you can gamble next, and how to come up with enough money to satisfy your gambling needs, that’s a clear sign you might have a serious problem. Never forget that gambling should be done for entertainment purposes only. It’s a passtime, not a lifestyle! 

Borrowing Money to Gamble 

Finding yourself asking people to borrow you money so you can meet your gambling needs is another indication you are a problem gambler. Don’t get it wrong, asking your friend to lend you a few dollars once in a blue moon is fine but if this happens often and the cash amounts are constantly rising, you need to stop and rethink your approach to gambling. 

Spending your life-savings or taking a bank loan to gamble are drastic moves and should be taken seriously. In situations like this, don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for help! 

Lying to The People You Love 

People who are gambling responsibly don’t feel the need to lie about their gambling sessions. When done properly, gambling won’t affect your life or the lives of your family members and friends negatively. Therefore, no need to lie about it! 

word lies in a dictionary

However, if you get to the point of gambling in secret or hiding how much you spend on casino games, it’s time to step back and reevaluate your gambling habits. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are a gambling addict but behavior like this can be an indication you are going down the wrong path. 

Keep Chasing Loses

Not being able to stop, even when the losses get bigger and bigger and your budget gets thinner and thinner, is one of the major signs your gambling habit has become problematic. Chasing loses (trying to get back the money you lost gambling by gambling more) is not a rare occurrence in the iGaming community but you need to know when to call it quits. Because if you don’t, very soon you’ll feel like you’re falling down the rabbit hole. 

Chasing loses is one of the worst habits a gambler can possess! So, make sure you don’t fall into that trap! Once your gambling budget is gone, stop and don’t come back once you know you can gamble without making a mess of your life. 

Negative Effect on Your Mental Health 

woman holding a sad face icon

Let’s not forget that gambling should be done only for entertainment purposes. Spinning slots should be fun and the possibility of landing a jackpot should bring the feeling of excitement. However, once those feelings are gone and replaced by irritation, anger, frustration, and/or anxiety, players should walk away from the game. If negative emotions and thoughts are taking over, players are at risk of spiraling down and hitting rock bottom. 

Bigger Bets, Bigger Thrills 

Gambling addicts are constantly looking for a new thrill and that often means constantly increasing bet sizes. Bigger bets mean bigger possible wins which increases the dopamine levels and makes you feel extra joyful.  

High-rollers are a thing in the iGaming industry but those are the people who have budgets big enough to allow themselves to spend great amounts of money on slots, blackjack, roulette, or whatever games they prefer. However, if you are playing on a limited budget, this type of behavior is very risky. Be aware that going big on bets might make it hard to go back to smaller ones so tread carefully in this regard. 

How to Overcome Gambling Addiction? 

Anyone who displays any of these aforementioned signs should reassess their behavior and their gambling habits. Addiction is a serious problem but it can be prevented if people react on time and in the proper manner.    

Admitting You Have a Gambling Problem 

People say you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves and that is especially true when it comes to addiction. Admitting you have a gambling problem is the first and most important step towards recovery. Once the realization hits you and you commit to changing your ways, it will take hard work and patience to get back on the right track. With the right support system and dedication to your ultimate goal will be reached.

Ask for Professional Help

sad man talking to a psychologist

If you realize your gambling habits are problematic, professional help is necessary. Addiction is not a joke and should be taken seriously. So, don’t be afraid to seek professionals who can help you with your gambling problem and give you tools which will make your transition more manageable. Talking to an expert will relieve you of a certain amount of stress, you will feel more supported, and therefore more encouraged to reach your goal.  

Find Gambling Alternatives 

When you give up gambling it’s important to find some other hobby which will bring you the same amount of joy and excitement. It’s not going to be easy in the beginning, that’s for sure! Being irritable and tense is normal but gambling alternatives can help you to reduce these negative feelings significantly. 

Find something that requires you to focus and can help you relax. Try out different things such as meditation, yoga, or any type of sports. These things can redirect your negative energy towards something productive, will make you feel better, and forget about your need for gambling. 

Use Self-Exclusion Option in Online Casinos

Pretty much every online casino these days offers options which provide players with the possibility to implement self-restrictions. Players can limit the amount of money they spend as well as the time they spend in an online casino and they can also request to be forbidden to access their casino account for a certain amount of time. So, if you’re an online casino player, make sure you use the Self-Exclusion option which will stop you from easily accessing your casino account and start placing bets all over again. 

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